mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp milton model embedded commands

In NLP Embedded Commands are used rather than giving direct instructions, the NLP Practitioner embeds the directives within a larger sentence structure. You can start now to imagine the power of Embedded Commands, especially now you can begin to relax and learn even more. Embedded commands often are used in a larger sentence structure to deliver them more smoothly and gracefully. The listener will not consciously relaize the directives that have been given to him or her. NLP Embedded Commands.

Using NLP Embedded Commands, you are literally planting an idea in someones head. Pretty powerful stuff isn’t it? And the beauty of it is, you are bypassing the conscious mind. Think of the command you give in the form of an Embedded Command as a covert way as it works it way out as a virus for the mind.

Let's take a closer look at some examples of Embedded Commands

Here we go. Let’s take a look at the following example:

  • “You can begin to relax.”

First of all, there is an assumption in this sentence. You are assuming that the client or person you are working with is beginning to relax. Second, there is a the word “Begin”. This is one from the NLP Adverbs and Adjectives.

So the point being made here is, that in the beginning learning about the Milton Model it may seem confusing. Yet by studying and practicing sentences that work for you, you start to build up your own library of proven working knowledge. Fun right?! NLP Embedded Commands.

Some background Information on NLP Embedded Commands

As you already discovered now Embedded Commands are used in a broader way and are only part of the message you convey to the listener you are speaking to. So let’s take the opportunity to explain you some more. Some of you go: ‘Some more of what?’ and that is a right conclusion. Let’s explore in what kind of combinations you are able to utilize NLP Embedded Commands and how you benefit of it. NLP Embedded Commands.

First of all there is the ‘Dance around the Table’, or the Weasel as I like to call it. It starts with statements like: ‘If you were to’, or ‘As you’ and legion examples more. Next we need to provide a command, preferably an embedded command. Examples of these are: ‘Think about’ and ‘Know’. Now come the State, the Process or Experience. Example of these are: ‘a change of heart’ or ‘away from your beliefs’. NLP Embedded Commands.

Now you start to see the rhythm in this language pattern, do know you are able now to see a matrix of opportunities to excel in this part and not only this part of the Milton Model.

Ok, one more example because you like it.

  • “You start to open your mind to new possibilities.”

Or in a more covert and softened way:

  • “You may start to open your mind to new possibilities now as you begin to realize there are a lot more, isn’t there?.”

This example assumes that you “Start to open your mind” and the rest of the sentence is pinpointed to what you want your client or the person you are working with to take into account. NLP Embedded Commands.

Embedded commands work best when they are done covertly, not obvious. So, obviously the above statements are not subtle by any standard. You need to learn to incorporate them into a broader daylight. There are ways to embed commands between sentences that hide the command. For example: When was the last time you were on a vacation and decided that you want to feel absolutely safe immediately after your tickets arrived? Of course, there is also a certain method of delivery and unconscious rapport, both of which are essential for the unconscious to respond to your suggestion. NLP Embedded Commands.

Some Hints and Tips to get you started.

Always, always, always remember to maintain Rapport. Read and record Eye Accessing Cues. Listen to what is being said and do not draw conclusions too hasty. Take the time for your client in your Coaching session. And most of all, keep your eyes on the prize. Keep your client’s goal in mind and realize that you continually have to look for what is NOT there. NLP Embedded Commands.

And of course some Exercise with NLP Embedded Commands...

If you have been reading the series in this blogpost, you already know there is going to be exercise and how useful it may be for you to be already having practiced them before our next article on the Milton Model and Indirect Elicitation Patterns. Imagine what it is like to be ready for the next exercise having already mastered the learning in this article. So, the exercise goes as follows.

  1. Think of the situations in your life where you want to influence the most. And think of the person you want to influence.
  2. See this person and hear the conversations you have been having.
  3. Think of a set of suggestions/commands you just wish you can get this person to respond to.
  4. Generate a set of well-formed suggestions with a time frame at the end.
  5. Check with the examples above to confirm your suggestions are well formed.
  6. Repeat Step One to Six. NLP Embedded Commands.

We suggest you study the examples individually to gain a greater knowledge and receive top-notch example helping you to practice learn and understand. Remember that the more you relax now, you start to learn easier even more … NLP Embedded Commands.

Last but not Least

NLP Embedded Commands are part of the Indirect Elicitation Patterns, which on their turn is part of the Milton Model. Remember, to increase your efficiency as a NLP Practitioner, know your positive intention for the message you want to convey, build rapport and pay attention on what and how you use language. Leave people and business in a better place that where you found them, every day! Put yourself to work and start making the NLP Meta Model part of your knowledge. The sooner you start, the sooner you benefit. NLP Embedded Commands.

Mind Tools provides NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner Trainings and Certifications. We educate you according to the renowned, latest and highest standards set by the Society of NLP. We will train you thoroughly in all the corners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and some extras we learned from Richard Bandler directly.

  • All
  • Ambiguities
  • Ambiguity
  • Embedded Commands
  • Indirect Elicitation Patterns
  • Milton Model
  • NLP Ambiguities
  • NLP Conversational Postulates
  • NLP Negative Commands
  • Phonological Ambiguity
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