Deletion. In the Meta Model we have learnt about Deletion. In sense of the Meta Model we have learned to reveal the deleted information in a statement made by the client.
NLP Meta Program Direction
The NLP Meta Program Direction has two parts and is simple to remember. Language that is recognized as “Away From” and “Towards To”. To clarify this last statement, take a look at the following example: “I was suffering from a lot of pain, but now I sincerely become better.” In this sentence you are able to recognize a few things. “I was suffering” so the conclusion is that there is no or less pain now. This person, language technically seen, is moving away from pain. And, “Now I sincerely become better”. The conclusion you could draw here is that this person is moving towards a better health. So in working with Clients in Coaching for example, you are able to recognize the direction where this person is moving Away From and Towards to.
Mastering the Meta Model
Mastering the Meta Model will come only after you have learned about all the major patterns and begun to recognize them in the language people use at a conversational pace. It may seem or have seemed difficult to reach this level, but it does not need to be. Recommended is to make a conscious effort during your social conversations with friends and family, to recognize, not to challenge, as many Meta-Model patterns as you can. Start by intending to recognize only one or two patterns, consciously, in each conversation. Some people like to make flashcards with each pattern, which say “Today I am going to listen for Lost Performatives.” Eventually, try as you might to only pay attention to one or two patterns, you will be hearing more and more.
Unspecified Referential Index
The Unspecified Referential Index is a very fancy combination of words that basically mean that the noun being talked about is not specified.
NLP Certification
Did you see the advertisements online? Advertisements about NLP Certification? Double, Triple even Quadruple NLP Certification in a small amount of time. Hilarious! If you are in the “game” of getting certifications fast, we suggest you invest in a good color printer and start printing all the certificates you want. It is much cheaper to buy a printer! You are able to print them on demand. And basically it will show you nothing but the print. Mind Tools does not believe in getting the most of certificates out of a single training. We do believe in quality training as we have learnt from Dr. Richard Bandler and the Society of NLP.
NLP Self Awareness – Use your Brain for Change
Enrich your emotional intelligence and greater empathy and listening skills. Improve your critical-thinking skills and decision making. Learn to get in touch with yourself instantly. Yet, how do you learn self-awareness? Or even more abstract if the first question already dazzled you, how do you teach self-awareness? How do you become more self-aware? I know what you’re thinking right now. “How the fuck do you learn, teach and experience self-awareness?” But seriously, it can be taught and practiced like anything else.
Learn the Art to Ask the Right Questions
Learn the art of asking the right questions. You want to feel good, right? You want to love a carefree, happy and easy life, to fall in love and have amazing sex and relationships, to look perfect and make money and be popular and well-respected and admired and a way to the point that people part like the Red Sea when you walk into the room. I want that, you want that – it’s easy to like that. Yet is it easy to be like that? Learn to Ask yourself the right questions.
10 reasons to learn NLP with Mind Tools
There are many reasons why so many people have already joined us and graduated in this comprehensive and advanced NLP Practitioner Training Program with Mind Tools. When we started to learn NLP by taking the NLP Practitioner’s Course, we thought we knew what to expect. It was a psychology/personal development program that can be utilized to help others with specific problems that they may have. But learning NLP ended up being so much more than that. We did not realize we would be plunged deep into the inner workings of the mind, exploring all aspects of how our brains compute different scenarios, and how we deal with them.
Model abilities of successful persons you admire
For most of my adolescence and young adulthood, I fantasized about being a musician. A rock star, in particular. Any badass piano song I heard, I would always close my eyes and envision myself up on stage playing it to the screams of the crowd. People absolutely losing their minds to my sweet playing on the piano. This fantasy could keep me occupied for hours on end. The fantasizing continued up through college, even after I dropped out of music school and stopped playing seriously. But even then it was never a question of if I would ever be up playing in front of screaming crowds, but when.
In is Out! A Try-out in If you like to the out-side-in.
In is Out! What is in yesterday is out today. Not only with food, yet many aspects in life follow this principle. Last year’s clothing what was in, is out now. And on the other hand what comes out now may me in tomorrow. So we organize our lives by in and out and it is a merry-go-round of inside-out to the outside in.