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Becoming an NLP Top Coach

We often get questions what it takes to become an NLP Top Coach. The answer is as easy and as complicated as it is. So let’s zoom into it into chunks, let’s break it down into easy to learn and understand chunks of information. First we take a look what a coach and coaching is. We discuss styles and settings a coach is able to utilize. Second we take a look at what NLP is.

Now we have set the basics for Coaching and NLP we are able to zoom in how to apply your NLP Techniques into your coaching practice and style. Last but not least we will give you some hints and tip in becoming an NLP Top Coach.

What is a Coach?

According to Wikipedia, the definition of a Coach and Coaching as a profession is “Coaching is a form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance.” People utilize a Coach to achieve goals, to have a sounding board, to discuss and work-out. The application of Coaching is legion. Coaching practices exist for a wide range of applications. Think about Coaching for Businesses, Dating, Life-Coaching, Financial Coaching and legion more.

Your style as an NLP Top Coach

Depending on the niche or applications of Coaching the coaching-style is relevant. Even so there are various Leadership styles, there are Coaching Styles. Remind yourself that every human is unique and so every coaching style is too. Famous styles of coaching are:

  • Commanding: You provide direct instruction, i.e. the coach dictates what to do first and next.
  • Reciprocal: The person being coached is taking great part of responsibility of their progress and development. And while they do they are being monitored by the Coach.
  • Problem Solving: The coach sets-out problems to be solved by the person being coached.
  • Guided Discovery: The person being coached is taking the freedom to explore various options and so is going through a learning curve.

If you are interested or want to get yourself familiar with these styles, we recommend you to read Social Issues in Sport by Ron B. Woods.

Other styles and settings.

Of course there are other coaching styles and methods. Think of Provocative Coaching. The founder of Provocative Coaching and Therapy is Frank Farrelly. A must for anyone who is interested in alternative ways to motivate and help people in a brilliant and unique way. NLP Top Coach.

Also think about your coach-setting. You can do one-on-one, duo-coaching or Client-Coach-Guru setup. The possibilities are legion and for you to determine what is best for your client to reach its goal.

First of all, NLP is not Therapy. Period. NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is best defined as the study of the structure of subjective experience and what can be calculated from that and is predicated upon the belief that all behavior has a structure. People such as Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson and Fritz Perls had amazing results with their clients. NLP Top Coach.

They were some of the people who’s linguistic and behavioral patterns Dr. Richard Bandler built formal models of. He then applied these models to his work. Dr. Richard Bandler is the co-creator of NLP and a creative genius. NLP Top Coach.

Models, Prediction and Calculation

Because these models are formal they also allow for prediction and calculation. Patterns that may not have been available in any of these people’s work could be calculated from the formal representations he had created. New techniques and models were (and still are being) developed.

The models that constitute NLP describe how the human brain functions.  They are used in order to teach them. NLP is not a diagnostic tool. It can only be applied and can therefore only be taught experientially. NLP Top Coach.

Well trained Neuro-Linguistic Programmers will always teach by installation, not by teaching technique after technique. Mind Tools NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Trainings learns, entertains and educates you through installation. NLP Top Coach.

You as a Top Coach and NLP Certification

Each seminar and training we run is different. Once someone has attended one practitioner course it does not mean that the practitioner material has been learned and that person should therefore go to a different course. NLP Top Coach.

You remember now that the names and certificates are only names and certificates and not the material nor the knowledge! It does not matter wether you receive three, ten or a hundred certificates, it is your knowledge and compassion that counts. NLP Top Coach.

Applying your Learned Techniques to become an NLP Top Coach

First of all, make a lot of ‘flying-hours’. Often people attend a training and are being educated silo-based and certainly not by installation. They learn a few tricks and are being hyped up. For sure the memories of the seminar last a while, but the attitude and learnings float away. They return to their comfort-zone and so become their older-selves. NLP Top Coach.

So combined with making a lot of flying hours, you start to apply your learned techniques and apply them as your second nature. The moment you apply a trick, it does not come from the heart. And another great advice we can give you is to apply compassion and warmth in your coaching sessions. Remember we are all humans and so we should treat each other. NLP Top Coach.

Some hints and tips to become an NLP Top Coach.

Read a lot of books about the fields of Coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming. In this article we already provided you a lot of input on people and subjects to educate yourself with. NLP Top Coach.

A no-brainer; make a lot of flying-hours. Learning by doing. A good practice is to start to do some ‘pro-deo’ or free work. It allows you to explore new techniques and most of all, to see what works and what does not. NLP Top Coach.

And last but not least; Attend our NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner Training. Mind Tools is the only active licensing body in Thailand directly recognized by Dr. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP and the Society of NLP. Upon successful completion you will receive your NLP Certificate personally signed by Dr. Richard Bandler and the President of the Society of NLP, John Lavalle. Also your NLP Trainers, Natthapatch Danbenchaphan and Niels Ammerlaan affix their signature. Together with the Seal of the Society of NLP you are guaranteed of quality and long-lasting results.  NLP Top Coach.

Mind Tools provides NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner Trainings and Certifications. We educate you according to the renowned, latest and highest standards set by the Society of NLP. We will train you thoroughly in all the corners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and some extras we learned from Richard Bandler directly.  NLP Top Coach.

  • All
  • Admire
  • Distortion
  • Indirect Elicitation Patterns
  • Inverse of the Meta Model
  • Milton Model
  • Model Abilities
  • NLP Meta Model
  • NLP Negative Commands
  • NLP Nominalization
  • Successful People
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