mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp meta model nlp deletion nlp unspecified verb
You are looking for more information on NLP Unspecified Verb, right? Well, you found it in the right place! In this article we will tell you what an Unspecified Verb is and provide you some examples of it. Far more interesting now you have learnt what an NLP Unspecified Verb is, you will learn how to challenge it and reveal more information. As you know now how to challenge it, challenge yourself by doing the exercise. Happy Learning, Happy Reading, Happy Life!

What is the NLP Unspecified Verb?

A verb that deletes specific information in any way as to how, when or where is called in NLP Unspecified Verb. Unspecified Verbs are verbs (the doing part) in a sentence that don’t fully describe the action taking place. They don’t give enough information to let you know what is going on for them. People usually fill in the gap with their own experience – called Mind Reading. When people use unspecified verbs, all it means is that they do not have the descriptive way of representing what they mean and/or understand.

Some examples of NLP Unspecified Verb

Sometimes it is useful and sometimes it prevents them from expressing themselves well or changing their views of behavior freely in response to new information or in new contexts. This is another area in which the line is thin between information gathering and intervention, because getting more detailed information is sometimes enough to allow changes that would not have taken place beforehand. 

  • As you were learning to speak…
  • We are having a lot of fun!
  • People err all the time.
  • It is wonderful to grow isn’t it? 

Are you able to picture the events in the statements? If you can’t, or the process is fuzzy, there is probably an unspecified verb (or noun) lurking. Try it “He sat on my foot” – I can make a movie of this. “He hurt my foot” – I am trying on different things in my movie. NLP Unspecified Verb.

Closely related to unexplained verbs are nominalizations, which are unclear verbs we twist into nouns. First the process is “Delete” then “Distort” is touched. My frustration with the boss makes me exhausted. (“My boss frustrates me” becomes a solid thing) NLP Unspecified Verb.

To some extent, every verb is unspecified. We would be overwhelmed if we specified everything. What will you gain by having more information on a particular verb? NLP Unspecified Verb.

How to recover the NLP Unspecified Verb

A good question to recover and gain more information is to ask: “How specifically…” And still as you want to explore this pattern in more depth, you can ask questions like:

  • What specifically were you doing in order to learn to speak?
  • How do people have fun? What makes this fun for you? NLP Unspecified Verb.
  • How do people err, specifically?
  • Grow in what way? NLP Unspecified Verb

And an Exercise with NLP Unspecified Verb

As an exercise today, write out 20 verbs, for which you would have unanswered questions to: How? When? Where? 

More Information

In NLP Unspecified Verb is part of the higher chunk called Deletion which is part of the Meta Model.

Last but not Least

Remember, to increase your efficiency as a NLP Practitioner, know your positive intention for the message you want to convey, build rapport and pay attention on what and how you use language. Leave people and business in a better place that where you found them, every day!

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  • All
  • 10 Reasons
  • Ambiguities
  • Generalisation
  • Generalization
  • Learn NLP
  • Life Coaching
  • Milton Model
  • NLP Meta Model
  • NLP Presuppositions
  • NLP Representational Systems
  • NLP Visual
  • Syntactic Ambiguity
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