mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp meta model nlp deletion nlp simple deletion

Some of the information of this article you are going to like. What information specifically? Well all the theory about NLP Simple Deletion is going to tell you that! We are going to zoom-in on some examples of Simple Deletion and do an exercise with it. Finally we will point you out where to find more information about other language patterns on this site. Do Smile, Be Happy, Learn a lot!

What is NLP Simple Deletion?

Any statement with missing of deficient information is a simple deletion. In NLP Simple deletions are where part of the meaning are left out or lost. You can notice them in sentences with it and that. Also when referring to missing descriptions (adjectives) – as in “Please give me the report.”, can be challenged with the question “Which report do you want, specifically”. 

Assuming that you know which category or thing the person means can get you into trouble. You think you know which report the boss wants when she says “Get me a report on it straight away”. Filling in her request blindly and delivering the report will result in a mind read, cause you have to fill in the information for “it”. Mind reading fills in the deletion gaps.

We risk wasting time creating something that doesn’t suit the purpose and where we do not want to go is to waste our valuable time. So, to gain more accurate information regarding her request and to avoid ending up using a mind reading misinterpreting her question, challenge her question by asking the question “Which report do you want, specifically?”

Some examples of NLP Simple Deletion

Below are some “statements” immediately followed by an example how to challenge this simple deletion, just to tune up your hearing in future conversations. NLP Simple Deletion.

  • I loved some of the food – What food specifically?
  • I like some workout, on certain days – Which workout, on which days?
  • Give me an update on it – An update on what, specifically? 
  • I love listening to it – Listening to what, specifically?
  • They have experience in it for ages – Experience in what, specifically? 
  • So, to gather more information about this pattern, you can ask questions like:
    • Who are you talking about?
    • When did this happen? 
  • What do you mean, specifically?

Just as a hint, to put you in the mode of investigation, think of the famous actor Colombo. He always had one of the most smartest questions available. Put on your investigation hat and start asking for more information. Remember, this pattern can be easily over-done, so use it covertly and well addressed, so you get the most of your questions!

The exercise today with NLP Simple Deletion

As exercise today; Write down 20 Simple Deletions and their Challenging questions and start listening in every discussion, the whole day for Simple Deletions. Maybe you can challenge one or two?  

Some more information

In NLP Simple Deletion is part of the higher chunk called Deletion which is part of the Meta Model.  

Last but not Least

Remember, to increase your efficiency as a NLP Practitioner, know your positive intention for the message you want to convey, build rapport and pay attention on what and how you use language. Leave people and business in a better place that where you found them, every day!  NLP Simple Deletion.

Mind Tools provides NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner Trainings and Certifications. We educate you according to the renowned, latest and highest standards set by the Society of NLP. We will train you thoroughly in all the corners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and some extras we learned from Richard Bandler directly.  NLP Simple Deletion.

  • All
  • Indirect Elicitation Patterns
  • Inverse of the Meta Model
  • Limits of the Speaker's Model (Generalization)
  • Milton Model
  • NLP Deletion
  • NLP Kinesthetic
  • NLP Meta Model
  • NLP Representational Systems
  • NLP Simple Deletion
  • Phonological Ambiguity
  • Presuppositions
  • Subordinate Clauses of Time
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